Behind the Scenes: Receiving a new donation

We have some exciting news to share (which we hinted at on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram). Yesterday we received 4 wild sheep and 1 muskox as a donation to the Museum.


Chris Stinson our Curatorial Assistant of Mammals, Reptiles and Amphibians is showing off three of our new wild sheep in the moving truck.

Our Work-Learn Student Julian getting some hands on experience!

Our muskox just hanging out on the loading bay.

Before they can join our collection the new arrivals must go to the freezer to make sure any pests living on them are dead. Here Julian and Chris are wrapping the mounts in plastic.

Taking an elevator ride from the loading bay to the freezer.

Playing tetrapod tetris trying to get all the specimens into the freezer.

The mounts will stay in the freezer for at least two weeks and remain in storage for a few months. Stay tuned for an announcement of when they are ready to go on public display.

Photos: Beaty Biodiversity Museum.